MOCA Adapter ScreenBeam Coax Light Not On [Causes & Solution]

In this article, we’ll explore the potential causes of the MOCA Adapter ScreenBeam Coax Light Not On and provide solutions to get your MOCA adapter working again. It becomes very frustrating when the coax light on your ScreenBeam MOCA adapter in the middle of construction does not light up while trying hard to establish a stable networking connection. MOCA adapters are common in speeding up home networking through coaxial cabling but when that coax light can be disabled it often means there is a problem begging to be diagnosed.

MOCA Adapter ScreenBeam Coax Light Not On

If the coax light on your ScreenBeam MOCA adapter does not light on, it will undoubtedly be due to an issue with the connection or signal.

MOCA Adapter ScreenBeam Coax Light Not On
Credit: Pro Tech Quest

The first step in the process of troubleshooting is to ensure the coaxial cable is correctly plugged into the adapter and the wall socket. When the cable is unsupported or torn, the coax light will not light up. The quality of the coaxial cable has been assessed and the cable will be substituted if it is old or broken.

To solve this issue, ensure there is nothing wrong with the splitters or the excessive cable because they could damage the signal and cause various connection errors. Assuming that the connections are tight and the coax light is still off, try power cycling the MOCA adapter by disconnecting and reconnecting it. In certain situations, a factory reset of the adapter can be a troubleshooting option that can lead to a reconnect. Should the problem continue, it could be due to a more serious hardware fault, and contacting your ISP or replacing the device might be required.

What Does MOCA Light On A Modem Mean?

The MOCA light on a modem is one of the principal diagnostics of the status of the Multimedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA) connection. While the MOCA light is on or is solid, it means that the modem is successfully connected to a MoCA network and, thus, data can be transferred through your existing coaxial wires in your home. If the light flashes, it usually indicates data exchange is active on the MoCA network, i.e., the modem is currently transmitting data. Nevertheless, when the MOCA light is not on, it usually indicates that the MoCA feature is not active, or that the modem is not identifying a MoCA connection. This may be caused by different factors, such as wrong connections, signal problems, or the MoCA option being turned off in the modem configuration.

Why Actiontec MOCA Coax Light Not Turning On?

When the Coax Cable Not Lighting Up On MOCA, it is quite likely that the device is not able to detect a MoCA connection. Below are some of the most frequent reasons why the light does not light up.

Why Actiontec MOCA Coax Light Not Turning On
Credit: Pro Tech Quest
  • MoCA Feature Not Enabled: Make sure the MoCA function is turned on the Actiontec device. Certain devices need you to manually turn on MoCA in the settings.
  • No MoCA Network: Since there are no other MoCA-supported devices in the network, the Actiontec will not form the connection, and the light will stay off.
  • Coaxial Cable Issue: On the other hand, an injured, incomplete, or poorly joined coaxial cable may prevent the device from sensing a MoCA network. The coax cable should be tightly clamped and no damage found.
  • Filter or Splitter Problem: MoCA signals may also be degraded by certain splitters and also by configurations of coaxial cable. Identify filters/splitters that might be eliminating the MoCA link and replace the MoCA-compatible versions if available.
  • Incorrect Configuration: Ensure that the Actiontec device is participating in a MoCA network. Check your configuration and MoCA (multilink coaxial) frequency, if supported.

MOCA Network Installation Problem (How To Fix This?)

Here are some actions you can take in case you are having trouble configuring a MoCA network:

Inspect the cables

Check that power, Ethernet, and coaxial cables are securely plugged in and in good condition. Seize the opportunity by unplugging and reconnecting the cables, and replace the cables if there are no signs of wear.

Verify the adapter

Double-check that the adapter’s switch is positioned correctly. You may similarly need to reset the adapter to its new factory settings to address configuration problems.

Confirm the network setup

Please make sure that your network is properly configured and that all devices are connected to it. Ensure that your network security configurations are permitting the devices to communicate, as well.

Examine the coaxial splitters

Make sure that all coax splitters that you are employing have a rating of at least 1650 MHz or higher.

Install a PoE filter

Have a modem cable input supply with a PoE (Power over Ethernet) filter which may resolve the problem of the internet being lost frequently.

Consider splitting the cable signal

Try splitting the cable signal coming into your home, with one line connected to the modem and the other to the amplifier for better performance.

Why Is Only The Coax Light Lit On The Adapter When Only A Power Cable Is Connected?

If the coax light is on the adapter at the point of a power cable connection this shows the adapter is in configuration mode. This mild shows the adapter is in configuration mode. Seeing a signal or link on the coax, whether or not access to the Ethernet is established.

Why Is Only The Coax Light Lit On The Adapter When Only A Power Cable Is Connected
Credit: Pro Tech Quest
  • The absence of network/datalink provided light, i.e., ethernet or data lamps, clearly points to the fact that the adapter is not fully connected to a network, but rather is powered on and listening to the coax line.
  • This can occur when the device is in standby mode, ensuring that the coax connection is available but not transmitting any data, regardless of whether an Ethernet cable is physically plugged into the device.

How Do I Know If My MOCA Adapter Is Working?

You can check whether your MoCA adapter is operational through the following:

How Do I Know If My MOCA Adapter Is Working
Credit: Pro Tech Quest


When you initially set up the adapters, the lights might not illuminate right away. But after a short latency both the Coax and Speed LEDs on the back of each adapter should light up solid green, indicating the connection. If the lights don’t come on, double-check that the cables are snug and undamaged. Though cables appear intact, it is worth replacing them as a precautionary measure, in the event of any site issues.

System Light

If you’re using a MoCA Ethernet Adapter, the system light should turn a solid white when the adapter successfully connects to your router.

How To Connect A MOCA ScreenBeam Adapter To Your Router?

To configure a MoCA ScreenBeam adapter to your router, please do the following steps.

  • Establish an Ethernet wire connection from the network adapter to the device you want to connect to the internet.
  • Attach a splitter to the coax cable exiting the wall hole.
  • Connect one coax cable to the splitter and connect it to the coax-in port of the network adapter.
  • Insert the power adapter into the network adapter and a power socket.
  • Exercise a pause until the power light on the front of the adapter changes to green.
  • If the device is online, the setup is complete.

You can reset the ECB7250 to its factory settings by pressing and holding the reset button for 10–15 seconds. The adapter will go to a reboot state and return to the default configuration.

How Do You Test For Coax For MOCA?

For testing coaxial cable for MoCA (Multimedia over Coax Alliance), it is necessary first to make sure that your devices (e.g., a MoCA adapter or a MoCA-compliant router) adhere to the MoCA standard. Visually examine the coaxial cable for signs of damage, such as cuts, bends, or loose connectors, which might introduce signal interference. The most sensitive way is] to employ a MoCA cable tester, a dedicated device that can therefore be used to quantify the signal quality and signal strength of your coaxial wiring.

Certain MoCA adapters/routers also have diagnostics features available that can be used to test signal quality. If low signal quality is sensed, then it may point to the coaxial cable being replaced or rerouted, especially if it is aged or insusceptible to interference.

How Can I Test The MOCA Adapters For Functionality?

For MoCA testing, coaxial cables need to be evaluated as follows:

How Can I Test The MOCA Adapters For Functionality
Credit: Pro Tech Quest

Visual Inspection

Subsequently, inspect the coaxial cable for outward signs of damage including cuts, bends, and loose connectors that may disrupt the signal.

Connect MoCA Devices

Connect a MoCA adapter or MoCA-equipped router to the coax wire and turn it on each gadget need to be at the equal community.

Check the Signal

If the MoCA devices can establish any link and the device’s condition (i.e., flashing light indications or lit LEDs of the MoCA appliances), then in a normal state so should the coaxial cable be functional.

Troubleshoot if Needed

If the devices will not communicate or the lights will not light up, replace the coaxial cable or use a new Ethernet cable just in case.

Use a MoCA Tester

To get more accurate values, use a MoCA cable tester to confirm the quality and strength of the coaxial cable. This will allow you to check whether the cable is still in proper condition.

Just by testing the coaxial cable in this manner, you can guarantee it is high-speed network transmission compatible with MoCA so that a reliable streaming experience and gaming experience can be offered.

How Do You Reset A MOCA Adapter?

To reset a MoCA adapter it is possible to use a small object having a pointed tip to apply and hold the reset button for a certain time:

How Do You Reset A MOCA Adapter
Credit: Pro Tech Quest
  • SBM1000: Push the reset switch for at least 5 seconds and no more than 15 seconds using a pen or paperclip on an unfolded paperclip. Visual or tactile feedback of a click sound or click will indicate that the button is pressed.
  • Hitron HTEM5: Find the reset button in the back panel of the adapter, and hold it for 10 to 15 seconds or more with a small object.
  • ECB7250: Press and hold the reset button for 10 to 15 s, and then release.

Besides, you can reinitialize the MoCA adapter using its Web User Interface (Web UI). Upon any necessary modifications, click Save to save your configuration, and then revert to the device state to adopt them.


To conclude, if you are facing the MOCA Adapter ScreenBeam Coax Light Not On. When the coax light on your ScreenBeam MoCA adapter is not flashing, it can frequently mean there is a problem with the wiring or the signal. By applying the diagnosing steps, for example, checking the coaxial cable, splitters, and correct configuration, it should be possible to solve the problem. If that does not work, a reset, or contacting your ISP, is needed. Utilizing a stable MoCA connection, you can use the networking offered and the high speed, all around your house.

Top FAQ’s

What happens if I enable MoCA on my router?

Having MoCA on your router empowers it to leverage the home’s coaxial infrastructure for high-speed networking, which in turn enhances connectivity among devices.

How do you set up a MoCA coax?

For the implementation of the MoCA coax, attach a MoCA adapter to the coaxial cable, the Ethernet port, and connect the adapter to your router and verify configurations.

Why isn’t my MoCA working?

MoCA may not function for reasons such as damaged coax cables, misconfiguration, or the MoCA option being turned off on the devices.

What does the MoCA stand for?

MoCA means Multimedia over Coax Alliance—a standard that enables performance-rich connectivity via coaxial cable technology.

Does MoCA affect WiFi?

MoCA typically does not affect WiFi, as it uses coaxial cables for wired networking, allowing both to operate simultaneously without interference.

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